Life Itself

by | Sep 1, 2020 | Poetry | 2 comments

Sometimes all you need is life itself

Looking at things with a pair of new eyes

Sometimes all you need is dying in the moment

Feeling the grass with wet feet and all

Just the other day we were on the sidewalk

Talking softly, leaving out the details

Of what you meant and what I did

And just enjoying the flow of words

Remembering the days when we sat of the footpath

And ate the delicious bowl of some yummy stuff

And the noise of the cars in the background

Aiming to hit us with a song any time

Sometimes all you need is leaving out

The minor details of why, how, when and where

And not waiting for the end as it crawls

Sheepishly as we ignore her blissfully

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  1. Prakash Hegade

    That was beautiful. I could not get the context of why “Sheepishly”.

    • Manik

      It is death who is observing the couple enjoying themselves, probably feeling ashamed of himself.


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