Financial Freedom is a stupid concept, even stupider is the concept of f**k you money, think about the following things instead.
For people who don’t what it is, it is the amount of money you need to tell the world to take a hike.
Unfortunately, no such number exists. However much you save, you can always spend that and get to bankruptcy.
If you don’t believe me, ask Bjorn Borg, or more recently, Mike Tyson.
Then, why people are so obssessed with it?
It is the trait of us as humans, to think that there is some ultimate goal after which everything would be alright.
Beta, get into IIT, and you are done.
Or get a developer job in the US in one of the FAANGs, and you don’t have to ever worry again.
You get the gist.
Unfortunately, all these ultimate goals do not assure you of any certainty.
Not even that number for your so called financial freedom.
Start thinking of financial prudence instead.
What that means is to save up at least 20% of your income, and invest it in a diversified portfolio of financial instruments, at any stage of life.
What that means is to stay away from F&O, and do a SIP in index fund.
What that means is to enjoy life at every stage, but in a moderated manner.
Instead of choosing between going into debt for fun and saving every penny by skipping coffee.
And, most importantly, knowing that the best way to feel free is to have a day full of stuff that is meaningful and enjoyable without thinking about the financials at every point in time.
That state of mind can be achieved in a job, in your own company or in retirement.
You don’t have to wait for that magic number, or that magic term.