
Brothers Sen Gogh is now a bestseller

A weekend spike of purchases has taken Brothers Sen Gogh in the bestseller list. Hopefully this lasts. Please grab your copy at the promotional price of INR 49/- or for USD 0.99, only till end of this week.  http://mybook.to/BrothersSenGogh #wip #writingcommunity...

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Brothers Sen Gogh – Book Trailer

Inspired by the brotherly love of Vincent and Theo Van Gogh, Brothers Sen Gogh ruminates about the pains of a sensitive soul, the inability of society to identify artistic talent and the heartbreaking tragedy of a flawed brotherly relationship. ...

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Announcing my new book – Brothers Sen Gogh

Inspired by the brotherly love of Vincent and Theo Van Gogh, Brothers Sen Gogh ruminates about the pains of a sensitive soul, the inability of society to identify artistic talent and the heartbreaking tragedy of a flawed brotherly relationship.  Soubhik Sengupta is an...

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What do you get out of writing fiction?

As many people here said, fiction writing can be therapeutic. The process is painful and takes you through a journey that you can not imagine at the beginning. You start with the intention of designing a world, designing characters and a plot but eventually find that...

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Stephen King – On writing

The toolbox for writing Vocabulary is the core tool and you build it by reading. Do not search for words just to use them in your writing. You will feel fake. Use the word that comes to your mind. Grammar is the second most important after vocabulary. He recommends...

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My Writing Process

(Posted on quora for the question asking about the writing process of authors) I will just add my writing process and experience to the many answers below. When I went through these answers, many were surprisingly similar to what I do and I guess what many writers do....

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