Blogging and Me

by | Dec 19, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

I was probably India’s first blogger, starting my blog in early 1999. There was something about blogging that attracted me immensely. The feeling of letting out your thoughts without editing was enticing. The immediacy and the informality of blogging was akin to the conversations you have with friends. Through blogging, I discovered punk rock, indie movies and indie books. I wrote multiple blogs from 1999 till 2009. I am back to blogging after a decade’s break and I still love it as much as I did then.

I would try and repost some of my old posts and would also write some new stuff. The subjects would be the passions that I have built over a period of time, investing, productivity, startups, building a philosophy of life and happiness. Welcome to the journey and please subscribe to the blog if you are interested.

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