
Financial Freedom is a stupid concept

Financial Freedom is a stupid concept, even stupider is the concept of f**k you money, think about the following things instead.For people who don't what it is, it is the amount of money you need to tell the world to take a hike.Unfortunately, no such number exists....

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Transformations of Different Kind

Any kind of change, especially radical change, brings with it many challenges for all the people involved. It is therefore insightful to take a look at them as a whole. Let's look at corporate transformations, startup pivots, and individual career transformations as...

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My Best Stock Investment

It is 1999. Besides some punts made with my flatmates, I have not invested in any stocks. I am getting interested in stocks, but I think the stock market is a gambling den. I have a visitor for dinner, a friend of mine, a senior guy at a broking house with experience...

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