
Transformations of Different Kind

Any kind of change, especially radical change, brings with it many challenges for all the people involved. It is therefore insightful to take a look at them as a whole. Let's look at corporate transformations, startup pivots, and individual career transformations as...

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These Precious Days and Anand

https://harpers.org/archive/2021/01/these-precious-days-ann-patchett-psilocybin-tom-hanks-sooki-raphael/ These precious days is a heartbreaking long read by Ann Patchett about an unlikely friendship developed between her and Sooki Raphael, Tom Hank's assistant. It is...

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Wittgenstein’s Rule Following Paradox

In Philosophical Investigations and even in the Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics, Wittgenstein talks about the contradictions in the "Rule Following" paradigm of human knowledge, epistemology and linguistics. The idea he is trying to address here is the idea...

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Blogging and Me

I was probably India's first blogger, starting my blog in early 1999. There was something about blogging that attracted me immensely. The feeling of letting out your thoughts without editing was enticing. The immediacy and the informality of blogging was akin to the...

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Geeks Vs Suits (Old Post)

Who is a better choice for managing a software business? A person whose primary background is technology or whose primary background is management(mostly sales or marketing). In this article Joel seems to prefer geeks over suits but cautions that geeks have also...

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