
Slow Compounding In this great Youtube video, Chamath talks about a very important phenomenon for success in any field. He talks about the ability to get extraordinary returns on capital as an ability to work on hard problems in an unique...

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Wittgenstein’s Rule Following Paradox

In Philosophical Investigations and even in the Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics, Wittgenstein talks about the contradictions in the "Rule Following" paradigm of human knowledge, epistemology and linguistics. The idea he is trying to address here is the idea...

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Whiskey And Suicide – Promotion

Kindle free promotion (Buy now with the link Below) I published "Whiskey and Suicide" on 8th October, 2020 amidst the pandemic. It was a very emotional book that tackled a number of issues facing the middle class in India. I knew it was an intense book and has limited...

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Rave reviews and a bestseller

Whiskey and Suicide paints a kaleidoscope of myriad emotions of the Indian middle class families. In a very informal storytelling style, it narrates the dilemmas of the urban families in dealing with the conflicting emotions arising due to contradictory desires. It is...

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Blogging and Me

I was probably India's first blogger, starting my blog in early 1999. There was something about blogging that attracted me immensely. The feeling of letting out your thoughts without editing was enticing. The immediacy and the informality of blogging was akin to the...

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as the music seeps deeper in the recesses of my neuronic pathways pathways like the water of the first rain in the hungry earth i rejoice the feeling of being alive

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Interview with The Wordicle

Got my first interview opportunity(Oops, "Writers Leak") today, thanks to "The Wordicle". Please read to find out more about me and my book. An excerpt "The book is shaped by some real life events including the suicide of one of my close friends that impacted me a...

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Does it make senseTo own one's desiresAnd hold you inMy arms, closed andWarm like a phospheneMemorised, drunk and deadLooking in your eyes,Trying to make senseOf the patterns ofLife with what youHave to judge and classifySensual emotions, lettingGo the anarchic...

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Casual Poetry

Everyone writes poetry I used to try too Till the day I saw The sad and the good The sublime, the trippy Unlike anything I had seen From that day I have lost My ability to create a rhyme Everything that seemed mundane Suddenly seems so sublime

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