What do you get out of writing fiction?

As many people here said, fiction writing can be therapeutic. The process is painful and takes you through a journey that you can not imagine at the beginning. You start with the intention of designing a world, designing characters and a plot but eventually find that...

Shifting Focus

Shifting Focusdisappointedthat no onelooks athimthe performerstarted tolook athimselfand enjoyingwhat hedidforgot thefaint signsdisappointmentlost in hisown worldintimately interconnectedand whenhe wasdrawn tothe beautyof silenceand visualisedthe...

Stephen King – On writing

The toolbox for writing Vocabulary is the core tool and you build it by reading. Do not search for words just to use them in your writing. You will feel fake. Use the word that comes to your mind. Grammar is the second most important after vocabulary. He recommends...

Poem — Optimism

Sometimes all you need is a little bit of optimism A little song, a little dance and a little laughter To clear the gloomy air and the pessimistic clouds You need some bright sun and some fresh air She looked out of her window and sighed  After looking at the...

My Writing Process

(Posted on quora for the question asking about the writing process of authors) I will just add my writing process and experience to the many answers below. When I went through these answers, many were surprisingly similar to what I do and I guess what many writers do....

Not that and not this

Yesterday, in an interview, Win Butler was asked a question about his songwriting process. Interesting he referred to “Negative Theology” while answering that. The interviewer was hinting at becoming monotonous while writing newer songs and Win thought that being...

Life Itself

Sometimes all you need is life itself Looking at things with a pair of new eyes Sometimes all you need is dying in the moment Feeling the grass with wet feet and all Just the other day we were on the sidewalk Talking softly, leaving out the details Of what you meant...

What is Marketing? (Old Article)

(Please note that all the articles pointed as (Old Article) are written during my earlier stint of blogging, in 2000-2007) and hence may sound a little dated. But the principles behind them are intact) “Because let’s face it, friends, as marketers we are...

Geeks Vs Suits (Old Post)

Who is a better choice for managing a software business? A person whose primary background is technology or whose primary background is management(mostly sales or marketing). In this article Joel seems to prefer geeks over suits but cautions that geeks have also...