The Tyranny of Perfect

Leonard Cohen crooned, rather perfectly:Ring the bells that still can ringForget your perfect offeringThere is a crack, a crack in everythingThat’s how the light gets in These are the kinds of lines that set you free. Free from the compulsion of producing...

Brothers Sen Gogh is now a bestseller

A weekend spike of purchases has taken Brothers Sen Gogh in the bestseller list. Hopefully this lasts. Please grab your copy at the promotional price of INR 49/- or for USD 0.99, only till end of this week. #wip #writingcommunity...

Brothers Sen Gogh – Book Trailer

Inspired by the brotherly love of Vincent and Theo Van Gogh, Brothers Sen Gogh ruminates about the pains of a sensitive soul, the inability of society to identify artistic talent and the heartbreaking tragedy of a flawed brotherly relationship. ...

Announcing my new book – Brothers Sen Gogh

Inspired by the brotherly love of Vincent and Theo Van Gogh, Brothers Sen Gogh ruminates about the pains of a sensitive soul, the inability of society to identify artistic talent and the heartbreaking tragedy of a flawed brotherly relationship.  Soubhik Sengupta is an...

Establishing A Daily Routine

One of the essential practices in the vein of Slow Compounding is to establish a daily routine. Daily routine is essentially a set of activities that you do every day and have specific time market out or a specific goal chalked out. Most successful creative...

The perpetual amateur

Kids and Adults – A Contrast From the balcony of my house, I can see the kids’ playground. It is fun observing kids play for hours, seemingly achieving nothing, trying the same thing over and over and still having so much fun. It is instructive to contrast...

Kumar Mangalam Birla on 2020

Kumar Mangalam Birla, in his 2020 letter on linkedin, reproduced here makes some very interesting points about the impact of the pandemic on the businesses and draws some insightful conclusions. Corporations are Citizens that count Perhaps uniquely, the crisis also...

These Precious Days and Anand

These Precious Days These precious days is a heartbreaking long read by Ann Patchett about an unlikely friendship developed between her and Sooki Raphael, Tom Hank’s assistant. It is written from Ann’s heart and is a great display of the healing power of...

Book Review : Less – Andrew Seen Greer

Less, with all its stream of consciousness rambling, exquisite use of language, psychoanalytical text, is ultimately a novel about love. Love lost, love gained, love showered on someone, love made and love wasted. It traces the journey of Arthur Less, a gay author who...

Asset Allocation and Diversification

There is a lot of research on how much of the typical returns of funds are from Asset Allocation and how much are from performance of individual asset. The general consensus is that “Asset allocation determines the majority of returns”. Some researchers...